Monday, May 11, 2009

What is a poem for the texas state flower the bluebonnet?

ur State flower's named for its hue

It's really a beautiful shade of blue

It's one of our favorites, we must admit

That's why in Texas we love the bluebonnet !

What is a poem for the texas state flower the bluebonnet?
The rain was softly falling~

The bluebonnets were in bloom...

And it was in the spring,

And you were coming home!

I was so happy~

Then I got the call...

And you weren't in love with me,

And you weren't coming home at all!

I cried in my sorrow~

I couldn't believe it was true...

For you were always the one for me,

And I loved you true!

Now you had other plans~

And I would be alone in my pain...

With no one to cheer me,

For I'd never see you again!

I will always remember~

I will never forget the pain...

And I will always remember,

Bluebonnets in the rain!

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