Monday, May 11, 2009

Why is the "Sunflower" Kansas' state flower?

any other kansas state details will be helpful too.

Why is the "Sunflower" Kansas' state flower?
According to Kansas Statutes the reason is:

The following information is excerpted from the Kansas Statutes, Chapter 73, Article 18, Section 73-1801.



SECTION 73-1801.

73-1801. State flower and floral emblem. WHEREAS, Kansas has a native wild flower common throughout her borders, hardy and conspicuous, of definite, unvarying and striking shape, easily sketched, moulded, and carved, having armorial capacities, ideally adapted for artistic reproduction, with its strong, distinct disk and its golden circle of clear glowing rays -- a flower that a child can draw on a slate, a woman can work in silk, or a man can carve on stone or fashion in clay; and

WHEREAS, This flower has to all Kansans a historic symbolism which speaks of frontier days, winding trails, pathless prairies, and is full of the life and glory of the past, the pride of the present, and richly emblematic of the majesty of a golden future, and is a flower which has given Kansas the world-wide name, "the sunflower state": therefore,

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: That the helianthus or wild native sunflower is hereby made, designated and declared to be the state flower and floral emblem of the state of Kansas.

For more info on Kansas, go to:
Reply:msg, have you ever been to kansas? obviously you haven't, and thanks for your ignorant comment.

I live here (in kansas city). Just like any state, the govt got together and agreed on a state flower. The sunflower grows wild here,and there are even huge sunflower fields that are used to harvest sunflower seeds.

The state bird is the Meadowlark.
Reply:Well, the legislature voted on it and the governor agreed... a long time ago...

Kansas is one of the most productive agricultural states, producing many crops, and leading the nation in wheat and sunflower production.
Reply:'cause there's nothing else there...
Reply:For the same reason that every other state has a state flower: voted on by the Kansas legislature.

I am a lifetime Kansasan and if you want Kansas fatcs I would be gald to share them with you via email
Reply:First off-Screw Jayhawkers! Bushwackers 4 Life! Woot Woot to Missourians!!! :) Anyways.If you want state info just check out the state website or even wikipedia.

Also to answer your question: Kansas is called the Sunflower State due to the fact that it leads all states in the production of Sunflowers. (wheat also)

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