Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Anyone know where I can find a meadow flowers in Western Washington State?

My 5 year old loves flowers and picking flowers. I would love to find here a beautiful meadow that she can explore. Thanks!

Anyone know where I can find a meadow flowers in Western Washington State?
you should be able to find them in the meadows scattered in Western Washington.

Really, your just going to have to drive around, with special attention paid to areas that are up in elevation about 4000' level. South facing slopes are a better chance, but they bloom before the northern slopes, so if you don't have luck seek out areas/hillsides that are facing a different direction. Most likely you will have to get off the highway, but you will have some luck on the side-roads and by-roads. the non-paved roads may or may not work but your chances are less because they would be in areas that have thicker cover, and less foliage underneath.

Lastly, maybe you need to try something unique and different, your daughter may really love a thickly vegetated fern forest areas such as in the Olympic peninsula, which can make a small person feel like an ant. This could be fun for her too.
Reply:I know it's wierd, but check at your local starbucks. Check and see if they still have any wildflower gift card holders. buy a $5 gift card and get a packet of seeds your sweetie can plant and watch grow.

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