Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is the State FLower of Oklahoma?

Mistletoe of coarse

What is the State FLower of Oklahoma?

Click above for picture of Mistletoe.

Sate Wildflower is Plains Prickly Pear
Reply:The State Flower is Mistletoe..see the link!
Reply:The state flower EMBLEM of Oklahoma is Mistletoe

(Phoradendron serotinum); whilst the state FLOWER is the Oklahoma Rose (Rosa odorata); the state WILDFLOWER is the beautiful Indian Blanket (Gaillardia pulchella).
Reply:The state flower is Mistletoe and the state tree is Eastern Redbud. I cheated I went on line! :)
Reply:This question sounds like a homework question? The answer is on the link below--mistletoe
Reply:A follow-up question is: Why would anyone want mistletoe as it's state flower? It's a parasite. Only good use of it is to stand under it a wait to be kissed. AK

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