Sunday, November 15, 2009

Do you think Columbine is a pretty flower ?

Should we change the state flower of Colorado

Do you think Columbine is a pretty flower ?
Columbine is pretty.. yes.

If it's your state flower, keep it- if only for the memory of the people who lost their lives at the high school there.
Reply:Perhaps it's best that way. Memory of innocent victims should always be honored.. Report It

Reply:I think it is a lovely flower. They come in a variety of forms and colours. They self sow and so come back each year by themselves. I wouldn't mind if they bloomed a bit longer, but that is the nature of perennials.
Reply:I don't know about the state flower, but I love columbines.
Reply:Sure, it's pretty, but I think there are bigger problems in the world than changing the state flower of Colorado. 0.o
Reply:If that's what it is, leave it alone.

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