Tuesday, November 17, 2009

When the USA becomes a true totalitarian police state will you shower a liberating army with flowers?

Or do you think its better to stop voting for neocons and avoid that whole situation?

When the USA becomes a true totalitarian police state will you shower a liberating army with flowers?
You shouldn't forget that Mussolini and Hitler and other totalitarian regimes had public support.

The problem isn't going to be solved if USA gets rid of the Neocons because expansionism and imperialism are stable in the short history of USA. That's the open wound that starts to affect the interior nowadays, again, like Vietnam's days, less obviously but more steadily
Reply:I don't think that an outside army would be necessary. I and many others would start an insurgency to free our country from their rule.
Reply:Our government took away more rights and freedoms under Democrat Congresses and presidents than under Bush and neocons, and it has been doing so for well over 100 years.

And most of those rights and freedoms were taken in order to "protect us from ourselves" or "for the children".
Reply:You mean when the moveon.org extreme left buys its way into the White House?
Reply:You aint seen nothin yet hippie. Whats going to happen REAL soon will make your 60's love fest seem like sunday school
Reply:I will welcome them as liberators just like the Iraqi's did when we showed up.

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